What if we could give every child with autism the opportunity for a "do-over" - to go back and master the developmental steps they missed the first time?


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Clearing the mist- Autism myths.

Is autism an IQ problem?

-but there are so many ASD kids with very high IQ

Is it a language problem?

- “but my child speaks, nonstop sometimes”

Is it a behavioural problem?

- Not all kids have behavioural problems and what behaviour do you refer to?

So let’s clear the mist around autism, let’s put the myths in perspective.

1. Autism is not an IQ. Problem- IQ measures only static skills and is not related to autism. Research shows that any point above 70 in IQ scoring for individuals with ASD does not predict better quality of life. We all know that children with ASD follow the usuall range of IQ, some children with very high IQ, some in the middle and some children with very low IQ.

2. Autism is not mental retardation!!

3. Autism is not a language problem- we see kids that have no language at all, but, many others do speak. Research shows that 80% of individuals with ASD will develop speech with or without treatment.

4.There is no association between early language acquisition and 'success' in life. Language or the lack of it, is not a predictor for quality of life.

5. And last but not least... there is no critical period- it is always the right time to make a difference in the life of your child/teenager/young adult/adult. Our brain is an ever changing, plastic and dynamic organ.

Now that the mist is cleared,

Next week what autism is really all about.

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